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Student Field trip 2014

Student Field-Trip

In December 2014 a group of students of the College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan embarked on a 6-day field trip to Central Bhutan. Aim was to survey a potential two-day trek between Chumey, Bumthang and Trongsa. Bhutan Homestay supported this valuable student excursion by contributing toward the necessary food supplies and travel costs. The students in return submitted a report.


Sustainable Community Based Tourism Development:The Tunglela Trek between Bumthang and Trongsa

Exploring the potential for developing a short trekking route along the traditional footpath between Chummey, Bumthang and Kuenga Rabten, Trongsa, within the historical context of the seasonal migrations (neypo system).


The students were divided into three groups: Hospitality, Footpath and Travelling. Each group was assigned to collect data related to their respective topic and sub-topics, under the guidance of Ulrike Čokl and Dr. Thubten Sonam.

The resulting report is a comprehensive and impressive synthesis of the data submitted by the team, including suggestions and recommendations for further research and practical implications.


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